Recently, a client came to the office feeling fatigued. This client had survived a ‘mystery disease’ back in February 2020. The priority of the client’s innate healing wisdom was for me to work with the immune system. The consciousness of ‘it’s too hard’ was impacting several immune cells. The immune system had conquered an invader but it left behind battle scars and fatigue.

At the root of the dis-ease, there was one significant epigenetic error that impacted four types of immune cells. The innate wisdom indicated what type of error was present, the types of cells with the error and the direction needed for the body to correct the error. This deep epigenetic work is possible through the BodyTalk System. Epigenetic error correction is a focus of my BodyTalk practice.

Above our DNA is a set of markers that help the cells become specialized. For example, the set of epigenetic markers for a heart cell closes the other genes on the DNA strand not needed by a heart cell. The same is true for every type of cell in our bodies. When a gene is open it can be read and the messenger RNA can then be sent to the protein factory of the cell. If a gene is closed the DNA is not available to be read.

As we live life, we are exposed to environmental factors that can cause the body stress. The two big categories are active memory and body chemistry. Active memories are challenging life events we survived, but left behind the storage of strong emotions. Ideally, emotions are to be manufactured, felt and released. A cell that is storing emotion can no longer function at its peak performance. Events with such strong emotion that cannot be released become active memories. The storage of active memories can cause epigenetic errors to occur. The memory of the event is still oscillating someplace in our brain and the emotion of the event is stored someplace in the body. Every time we think of the event, the emotion activates again and we react to the memory in a non-beneficial way. The brain is constantly trying to ‘make sense’ and resolve the memory so it can be stored in the passive warehouse of the mind. These attempts at resolution actually attract similar resonant events but many times we are still unable to solve the problem so instead of resolving the issue we add to the ‘inventory’ of active memories in this category of life.

From a body chemistry perspective, the presence of toxins can be stressful enough to cause epigenetic changes within individual cells. Toxins come from many sources; microbial and microbial by-products, immune system battle debris, environmental contaminants, insecticides, pesticides, food additives, pollutants, drugs, alcohol, etc.

These physical, emotional and mental stressors can cause epigenetic changes to occur in individual cells. When enough of the same type of cell is impacted, our body begins to manifest a dis-ease. When the dis-ease becomes wide spread enough we can develop a health condition. As you can see, the manifestation of an epigenetic error takes time before conventional medicine can begin working with the symptom. Working at the energetic level of the body, your innate wisdom can identify the root cause priority and begin the correction long before the error becomes a huge problem.

Back to the client with the compromised immune system: The innate wisdom set the priority for the BodyTalk session. The immune system was the priority, the four types of impacted cells were identified, the type of epigenetic priority was identified and the direction of the correction needed was detailed. The session was set to run daily over the course of two weeks and the client reports having more energy and a more uplifting attitude toward life.

Working with a BodyTalk practitioner trained in epigenetics, like myself, can help you uncover and correct your epigenetic errors. Your innate healing wisdom guides the BodyTalk session. With the priority details your healing wisdom can reverse the damage long before the errors become large enough to cause a symptom your medical team can address. Working energetically long-term as an anti-aging strategy is powerful.